Category: Political Science

A New Contract With America
Can We Overcome Corruption in America?
by Richard R. Tryon

This is both a serious study and a work in progress. Since politics involves the art of what is possible, it is important to study both ancient and new concepts within the context of the times. Finding the right formula for presentation is key to the successful introduction of any new product or system for living. This work purports to want to help others find the way to move our great nation of the U.S. of A. to greater heights of socially acceptable achievement in ways that depend upon individual effort and contribution.
Richard R. Tryon, born 1932, is son of an author and newsman. While continuing a long career in business, Tryon has taken to sharing his inherited tendency to analyze current events in light of his knowledge of history, economics and political science. His B.A. in Economics, with a minor in Political Science are evidences of his whole life?s experiences of living in a family where study, learning and discussion let him gain experience. The result of an almost continuous upbringing that called for testing of ideas in friendly argument, is the hope of discovering useful ways to help others ask better questions. This series of essays is intended to encourage others to do the same.


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